
Category: Nutrition

The big problem with ‘kombucha’

The research about kombucha suggests drinking kombucha can– Manage diabetes (in some cases, as well as pharmaceuticals without the side effects) Be anti-hyperglycaemic by managing blood glucose Fight hypertension (high blood pressure) Protect your liver and Be protective of heart injuries. If all that’s true, why wouldn’t you run and grab some kombucha now? You’d definitely want to…

Traditional Remedies vs Modern Superbugs

Modern antibiotic overuse is evolving more relentless, resilient and dangerous pathogens that we can’t keep up with. We’re driving a microbial arms race and losing as our antibiotics become quickly obsolete. So what can we do? Ironically, it’s ancient, natural remedies that are looking to be the advanced weaponry we need- The British Library published…

Is that real kombucha?

Are you being conned into thinking you’re drinking a rich, probiotic wonder drink? That’s not to say real kombucha is snake oil, but that ‘kombucha’ is not always real kombucha. Fillers, pasteurisation and additives mask lesser kombucha. Kombucha is a sugary tea that’s fermented by a probiotic colony called a SCOBY (Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria…